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Coffee Burundi Turaco 250 g whole bean white

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SKU: 1010321
Brief description marzipan, honey, dried fruits, orange
Acidity 3
Bitterness 3
Strength 3
Aroma 4
Cooking method Pour boiling water into a cup; In the filter coffee maker; French press; Kemex; In the air press; In the ceramic funnel V60
Country of grain origin Burundi
Composition 100% Арабика
Roasting світла
Без кофеина No
Packing color (white/black)
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Most coffee trees in Burundi are Red Bourbon for reasons of quality. Because of the increasingly small size of coffee plantings, aging rootstock is a very big issue in Burundi. 
Many farmers have trees that are over 50 years old, but with small plots to farm, it is difficult to justify taking trees entirely out of production for the 3-4 years it will 
take new plantings to begin to yield. In order to encourage farmers to renovate their plantings, Greenco & Bugestal purchase seeds from the Institut des Sciences Agronomiques 
du Burundi (ISABU), establishes nurseries and sells the seedlings to farmers at or below cost.
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